Thank you for submitting your player registration form. You will now receive an email confirming the information you have submitted on your player registration form.
To begin, please select the festival information below.
The Group Leader listed must be attending the festival and will be the first point of contact for the team while on tour.
The Tour Welfare Contact listed must be attending the festival and will be the first point of contact for any issues of welfare involving members of your touring party.
xx Age Group: Players must be born between xx and xx.
In addition to completing this ESF 2025 Player Registration Form, teams are required to bring proof of age for each player to the festival. Acceptable documents include: National Football Association documentation (i.e. FA Whole Game System), League ID cards, Passport (Original or Copy), Birth Certificate (Original or Copy).
Mixed teams of boys and girls are allowed in all ESF mixed age sections.
Once a player has turned 6 years of age they will be Permitted to participate in the U7 age section at ESF 2025.
Boys who are currently registered with an FA Premier League or Football League Academy are not permitted to participate in ESF 2025.
Girls who are registered with Emerging Talent Centres (ETC’s) are permitted to participate in ESF 2025, providing they are currently a registered player for the team, and they have approval from the ETC to participate in grassroots football. Please note, girls registered with Emerging Talent Centres cannot participate in ESF 2025 as a ‘Guest Player’.
Girls who are signed to a Professional Game Academy team (for example, Arsenal, Manchester Utd) at the time of the festival are not permitted to participate in ESF 2025.
IMPORTANT: Please check that all information is correct. Although ESF Events will do everything possible to check the details of every player, it is the responsibility of the team to ensure that all players are eligible to take part in ESF 2025.